For those of you who keep track of my Father's ever-worsening health, it has taken yet another turn for the worse. He has now been diagnosed with Dementia. In essence his brain is dying. It looks like he will more than likely be quite possibly slipping into Alzheimer's disease at some point. Kind of sucks when you realize that your Dad is going to slip away right before your eyes. His Diabetes is also out of control and if his blood sugar is not controlled soon, he will more than likely have another heart attck or stroke. Worse yet, he could go blind or lose a limb. Things are not looking good, to say the least.
My Grandmother also has a leaking heart, a condition which has recently grown much worse, and it appears as though she does not have too much longer left on this fine planet. I should be more upset about this but unfortunately I'm not. I am much more concerned with my Father's health and all the future joy that is sure to bring. I hate to say it but she's my Dad's Mother and he spends way too much time worrying about her, and not enough worrying about himself. She basically lost her will to live when her husband died in 1976, and I think that her time might finally be approaching. It kind of sucks to say, but if the stress of dealing with her ends (she is very, very hard to deal with), my Dad's condition might improve. That is all I want. It sucks when you have to proioritize how you view people's lives.
Hope everything is good on your respective ends of things.