
I haven't posted in a few months, and I'm not sure why. Oh yeah-I'm lazy.

The summer vacation from teaching is almost over and in some ways I am looking forward to getting back to work, in other ways-not so much. Next week I am doing this program for incoming freshmen. 6 hours a day for 5 days, and they're paying me $1200 so that's definitely sweet. I don't even have to really teach them for 2 of those days, and on the other 3 days we are doing relaxation exercises, yoga and meditation. Sweet.

Here's one story for ya'll. The other day I get Stop-Loss from Netflix and the disc is skipping and being all funky. Finally after the first 18 minutes of the film, which I was greatly enjoying as I felt the movie was accurately portraying the realities of the current Iraq conflict; I take the disc out to look at the scratches. I notice that the disc is really scratched up, so I report it as being scratched and go on with my day. A few hours later, I am thinking about the scratches and I realize that they looked intentional. I realize that since the movie has just been released on DVD, it looked as though an individual who perhaps supports the current war effort (who knows why) got the disc and INTENTIONALLY took a knife to the underside of the disc and put deep gouges both horizontally and vertically in an effort to make the disc unwatchable. I may be wrong it could be some sort of crazy DVD player malfunction or child-mishap that caused this, but the scratches looked surprisingly like what a knife would do. Makes you wonder.

Hope all is well. Stay cool. Drink plenty of fluids. Say your prayers. Take your vitamins. Listen to your parents.