
Things I am thankful for:

1. Pornography
2. Anal Sex
3. Oral Sex
4. Vaginal Intercourse
5. My Cat
6. Disease
7. War
8. Murder
9. A high Infant Mortality Rate
10. SPAM relating to the size of my penis

There are many more things that I am thankful for, but I decided to keep it short. You might think that some of these things are toungue-in-cheek, but I would never do something like that. Never. Ever.

Remember folks, the Pilgrims were right-wing religious nuts who are responsible for the death of a lot of people. Columbus was also a cruel, muderous thief. Enjoy spending time with your family and friends but try and remember that a lot of people died and lost their land so that you could do so.

Happy Thanksgiving.


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