
I finally figured out a great way to deal with that guy at work that has been driving me nuts. I wait for him to say one of his asshole comments and then I counter that comment with some of the lewdest sexual remarks directed at him. Here are some examples---(B) stands for my co-worker:

(B) Insert Asshole Comment Here.
(Scott) I think that you would look really good with a ball gag in your mouth, not one of the orange ones though. I think that a blue one would really accent your complexion. Bob, don't you think he would look good with a ball gag in his mouth?
(B) That's fucking gross! (He now walks away)

(B) Insert Asshole Comment Here.
(Scott) OK, how's this? You be Harrison Ford and I am Airforce One under terrorist attack, take me back under your control.
(B) That's fucking gross! (He now walks away)

Later still:
(B) Insert Asshole Comment Here.
(Scott) You look tense, do you need a massage? I'm warning you I don't eat ass, but I will lick your balls if you're nice to me.
(B) That's fucking gross! (He now walks away)

This guy is an ex-frat boy who while makes many lewd homosexual requests himself (i.e. Hey would you lick my balls?), but obviously cannot take the comments being directed at him. Unfortunately for him, he has finally found someone that he can no longer get the best of. The best part is that I actually use my comments to defend other people when he is saying shit to them. Not only do I get to make him walk away and leave myself or a co-worker alone, everyone laughs at him as he walks away.


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