
Last night was the high school homecoming game. We found out on Manday that teachers are required to work either the game of the dance. I chose the game. My assignment was to sit behind the school with my department chair and make sure that no one tried to sneak in. Fortunately there was a gate with a ticket-taker and a cop further down so we didn't do anything. As I am a consumate professional, I did what any professional would do prior to returning to work; I drank 3 beers and a shot of whiskey. Needless to say the game went by quickly and all I did was sit in the passengers sheet of my boss's 89 Jimmy. Damn that truck is comfortable, and really big.

At the pep rally yesterday my students decided to dress me up in a purple sparkly shawl, a long gold glitter wig, a purple tiarra and a stuffed eagle on my shoulder. Our colors are purple and gold and our team is called the Eagles. The character known as "Spirit Man" was invented and attended the pep-rally, he used a large purple foam hand making the "number one sign" to instill spirit in passers-by. He even handed the "spirit-stick" to the winner of the fundraising campaign. The kids loved it.

Yesterday a student of mine used me as an example of a good teacher in his senior english class. It made me feel pretty darn proud when I was told that.

Not much else going on. Hope all is well.


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