
At the end of the month, Paint A Vulgar Picture will turn 3. Here's a link to my very first post. Three years of pure joy. Just think, when I started this thing I was working for C!rcuit C!ty and pretending that I didn't have a voice so I didn't have to answer the incoming customer service calls, now I will be starting my first year under contract to teach govenment.

In completely unrelated news, there has recently been a great deal of discussion regarding the possibility of another terrorist attack. I think we should all learn to view a future attack as inevitable. The US was not liked in the middle east region prior to the Bush presidency, and the administration has consistently made very large mistakes with regard to regional foreign policy. There will more than likely be an attack near election day if not before. The incumbent was voted-out in Spain after the Madrid bombing and al-queda will more than likely attempt a similar feat. There are definitely al-queda cells operating in this country, and they are definitely planning something. The news has glossed-over this issue, but some of our allies have recently warned us of an impending attack, just like before 9-11. Hopefully this time we'll listen. For those of you who doubt what I am saying; I accurately predicted that a massive terrorist attack was imminent long before 9-11. I am no genius, I simply have a background in the study of politics and I am able to read the writing on the wall.


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