
I am truly amazed by my genitals. How much else can possibly go wrong down there? Last night I felt an intense itching/burning sensation on my inner-left thigh. We happened to be out running errands at the time, so a close examination was not exactly feasible. When I got home I dropped my pants and found an inflamed circular patch right next to my left testicle. I did some quick research on-line and discovered that all the syptoms I have point to jock-itch. Now the right ball hurts, and my inner-left thigh itches like crazy.

I had one kind of medicine, but I bought a new kind today. The new stuff requires less applications for a shorter period of time so hopefully this will clear it up. When I was at the drug-store the woman behind the counter had a conversation with everyone in front of me about what they were buying. She looked at my product and apparently thought better of it, instead she talked to me about the $1 off coupon that was stuck to the box and then became stuck to her hand. When you are buying cream for jock-itch you generally do not want to discuss anything related to the matter, you would think a drug-store cashier would have figured this out by now.

Just as I was about to post this, I heard something going on outside our front door, I looked outside the window and saw a 6 year-old and a 2 year old throwing bricks into our bushes and flower beds. I threw on my pants and ran outside with Kim right behind me. I happened to know where one of the kids lived so I grabbed a brick and marched down to their front door--the mother said that she was going to talk to them. As I am writing this the kids are right outside again. Does anyone know how to raise or discipline children anymore? My butt would have been in a sling if I had gotten caught doing that as a child, not right back outside playing.


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