
Here's a great work story for you:

There is this woman who is a regular at the bar. She comes in at least a couple of times a week. She is on very strong anti-depressants and still drinks heavily. She arrived at the bar at 5 PM last night. She drank straight through until 10:30 when we closed, and was still there after we closed. Right after closing she apparently had to use the restroom. She stood up and began walking towards the ladies room and somewhere along the way there (about 1/4 of the way to be exact) she began vommitting. She vommitted the other 3/4 of the way, the vommit landing on the floor. She went in the restroom and came out after a few minutes. After she exited, as she was walking back to her barstool, she slipped in her own vommit and fell on her back, landing in you guessed it, her own puke. Regina the bartender had to go and help her up, of course now she was completely shitfaced and covered in vommit. She then sat down on the stool looked at her empty glass and said "Mary". No response (probably because no one is named Mary). Then she said "Mary!". Regina realized that at this moment her name had become Mary and she turned around. Our guest then pointed to her now empty wineglass and said something which sounded like "I'll have another"--she was unable to even point to the glass peffectively I may add. Regina was forced to tell her "I'm sorry,no more." She then got somewhat angy at the fact that she was being cut off. Finally she left and actually drove home as she refused to allow us to call a cab for her. Other events from her time in the bar included looking at Regina and asking "Do you know why this glass is good in Spanish?" Regina looked at her and said "Excuse me?" at which point the question was repeated. Only after of course the guest looked at Regina like she was crazy for not understanding the question the first time. Regina said that she didn't know and then the guest responded "Because it's full." Again looking at Regina like she was an idiot for not knowing such a simple answer. At other points apparently Regina would ask her a question and the woman would respond using a completely unrelated phrase from a conversation that was going on in her head at that moment.

The woman now is only allowed to be served 2 drinks (no more), and my boss is going to have a chat with her next time she comes in. While the whole thing is rather pitiful it is still amusing.

In class news I got a 100 on my quiz and a 100 on my first homework assignment. I hope that she starts giving out 'scratch and sniff' stickers soon. If not at least some stars.


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