
Halfway through class today I realized that I think that my teacher is a lesbian. Don't know why, just a feeling. If anyone would like to drive over to J. Sarge to ask her, feel free. I only request that you abstain from utilizing my name during your conversation. Also in reference to the class I would like to take this oppurtunity to thank my professor for choosing an extremely easy to follow textbook. It goes slowly through each step while simultaneously being fairly concise. Perfect for this idiot and probably the rest of them too. The fact that some of these folks got through high school amazes me. In my Photoshop class last night this woman kept flipping out because she couldn't get the her elliptical tool working. She is probably in her late 40s and in addition probably shouldn't be taking the class--but what can you do. She was actually the one that asked the teacher to slow down, so I am grateful for that. For a while there was this dude sitting next to me last night who didn't know how to get to the Photoshop program from the desktop. He looked at me and said "You're gonna have to help me get to the program we're using." I helped him, but wanted to say in response: "I think what you meant to say was would you mind helping me open Photoshop. Considering I am not the teacher I don't have to help you do anything." Fortuately the mouse on that PC was messed up so he moved.


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