
Tonight Kim and I watched "Bowling For Columbine" and I was forced to think of two very odd questions I received from students this past week. They are as follows:

1. "Do you own a gun? Because I don't want you going home, getting it and coming back and shooting us."--I was obviously disciplining the students for their poor behavior at the time.

2. Have you ever sold drugs?

To the first question I responded that No I did not own a gun and furthermore I could think of no instance in which a teacher had shot their students, the child was insinuating that if I did own a gun and decide to kill my students that it would similar to past events, I then added that the question was innappropriate and ludicrous. For the second question I responded with a no and then proceeded to discipline the student for asking such an inappropriate question.

Truly incredible. Both questions came out of the blue, and I must admit took me off guard. I have never been asked such strange questions in my life.


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