
I usually don't work on Saturday's but I worked last night and I spent most of the money I made already. How did I do this you ask (especially on a rainy Sunday morning)? Very easily--- I finally sucked it up and after 4 years of wanting one I purchased a Timbuk 2 messenger bag. I went ahead and used their "Custom Bag" feature. My bag will be the medium size, Forest Green on the left and right with the color Steel in the center. It will have a shoulder pad and will be made for a left handed person (i'm right handed but I carry my bags like a lefty.) All told including shipping it was $81. Seems like a lot to those not familiar with the product, but the bag will last a very very long time.

I have my second design project due tomorrow night. I am done with it and I have to say that it looks really good. The religious imagery has already crept into my work. I better get an A.


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