
Kim is home sick from work today. We just went to the thrift store and Plan 9. Nothing at either location. On the way up the stairs we ran into our neighbor P.J. who informed us that he has gotten a new job at Legend, a Richmond brewery. The make great beer and P.J. is a home-brewer so it is pretty much a perfect match. I wish that I could find a job that perfectly matched my interests. Oh well at least someone I know is lucky enough to have done so. Kim is eating Lunch I am doing this. Not very exciting.

I wanted to go to the library to take out the next Harry Potter book but the library is closed today in celebration of Columbus Day. From the point of view of the Native Americans this is certainly not a day to celebrate. In their honor I declare today: "Murder Your Families, Steal Your Land, and then Rape Your Land Day". I feel this is a much more accurate account of the events since Columbus set foot on these shores. Never forget folks, we do live on stolen land. While we criticize other sountries for their expansionist policies, we quickly forget that we are guilty of those very same acts. In this time of war I think it is important that we take into account the past mistakes of our own country as well as the mistakes of others. I find that it helps to have a bit of perspective. Anyway my thoughts on the current war are the same as they were last night. If bin Laden is in Afghanistan great, but if he isn't we better find out really quickly. A video tape with a cave as a backdrop is not solely indicative of a location within Afghanistan. Just a thought. My heart goes out to the families and friends of all innocent casualties associated with both the September 11th attacks and the Afghanistan Offensive. Thousands of years and we still consistently slaughter one another. It still hurts.


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