
Tomorrow is the day for the Praxis I examination. There are three sections: Reading, Writing, and Mathematics. I think I will do fine on the Reading and Mathematics but I don't think I am going to do very well on the Writing part. Regarding the actual essay I think I will score well, however in relation to the multiple choice section I don't think I am going to do all that well. I have never been very good at sentence correction and gramatical usage (idioms, parallelism, dangling modifiers etc...). Worst case scenario I fail one or more of the sections and have to postpone going back to school until I pass. There are worse things. Considering I have been in and out of the hospital for 2 weeks straight and procrastinated in the studying department, I think I might be in trouble. I am attempting to adopt a rather zen-like attitude towards the experience, I don't know if it is actually working or I am just deluding myself. Perhaps the zen-like attitude is stemming from the anti-anxiety drugs that they currently have me taking.

I updated my Reading/Watching/Listening section just for you.


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