
I mentioned a while back that I am applying to MWC's graduate program for education. I got a letter from the admissions office last week stating that my application is incomplete. I need to have the following sent to them:

1. A copy of my Official Community College transcript--I already did this and they appear to have lost it.

2. The scores I received on the Praxis I examination--which if they actually read the application they would see that I am not taking the test until this coming Saturday and thus as of yet have no scores to provide.

3. An Official copy of my Mary Washington College transcript (even though I am applying to Mary Washington).

I am pissed off because it costs $5 for a copy of my MWC transcript. I will in effect be paying MWC $5 for them to take a copy of my transcript from George Washington Hall down to Lee Hall. A distance of what would you say kids, 1000 feet down Campus Walk. Bullshit. I understand that they need my permission to view an Official Copy, but don't fucking charge me for it. The bastards have already gotten approxiamtely $50,000 from me, and I know it's only $5 but it's the principle. I would also like to mention that the Community College transcript I already sent to them was free--not $5. MWC is a State funded institution and they should be able to provide this type of service free of charge, especially for an alumni who is applying to their graduate program, and will in effect be giving them even more money.


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