
Now that I am not wasting my entire day in an office in fronty of a computer I actually have to make an effort to update my blog here. I am listening to Karma to Burn again. It is yummy. I just threw all my other metal records out of the window. I no longer need them.

I called that dude about the job today. It was weird he is kind of abrassive. He first asked me if I was still at CC and I said no and explained that to him. I said that there were no oppurtunities for advancement there and decided to resign and look for a new job fulltime. All true. The next thing he asked was what I made at CC. I told him and neglected to up the figure as I probably should have. Then he told me MWC is a good school (the first time an interviewer has ever said this to me) and that he was concerned that there seemed to be a lot of movement on resume, and they invest a lot of time and money in training--he wanted me to "assure him" that I would stick around for a while. This is true that I have moved around a lot and I covered my ass pretty well with my response. At the end I even added that if there was more room for advancement at CC, that I would still be there. I have an actual interview face to face next Tuesday. I wonder if he is planning on raking me over the coals some more in person. Some HR folks have a strange way of doing things.

I was then trying to fax out other resumes from my PCand having a hell of a time. I solved the problem though. I am the best.


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